Will AI Remain on the “Contours” of Teaching and Learning in Schools?
Recently, the distinguished schooling historian Larry Cuban gave an address in which he asserted that every new technology introduced to improve teaching and learning in schools has been hyped as “revolutionary” or “transformational” and that AI will join a long list of technolgies that never forced educators to rethink how teachers teach and students learn. Instead, he argues, teachers will simply adapt AI to fit the “contours” of their classrooms, keeping it on the periphery of their teaching repertoire.
I have great respect for Cuban and his comments should give us pause. At the same time, AI is a qualitatively different and more explosive technology than any we have experienced and has the power to upend nearly every sector of our society.
So, is Cuban right? Will teachers simply push AI to the side? Is AI doomed to remain on the contours of teaching and learning in schools?
I encourage you read my response to Cuban’s comments in my column at EducateAI:
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